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My Summer of IP: personal stories #2

This post is from Priyadarshini Chatterjee, a third-year PhD student in Biochemistry at The Scripps Research Institute and the University of Oxford, who tells us about the warm welcome she received from the IP professions during Summer of IP 2023 and how that’s helped her plan her future career.

Priyadarshini writes:

I am currently a third-year PhD student in biochemistry. Early on in my PhD, I realised that as much as I loved science, I did not want a career in the lab. This prompted me to explore careers outside of the lab. The Summer of IP initiative was brought to my attention at a careers event, and I have been closely following its developments over the summer.

Initially, the only IP role I was familiar with was that of a patent attorney. However, after watching the introductory videos, I quickly discovered the diverse range of roles that IP has to offer. In particular, the roles of IP solicitor and barrister caught my attention, and I found their description extremely interesting and exciting. Looking into it further made me realise these were legal roles and I wrote them off as I had never considered a career in law and did not know that I could train in the profession after a PhD in a non-legal area. But never-the-less I decided to attend the event “Routes to Legal Qualification for IP Solicitors and Barristers” to find out more. To my surprise, the event showed me that it is possible to transition into the field of IP law from a scientific background, post my PhD.

What struck me during the event was the diverse backgrounds of the panellists and the unique paths each individual had taken to enter the profession. This event effectively outlined the qualifications required to become an IP solicitor or barrister, providing me with valuable clarity. Given my situation, this event held particular significance, as I needed to ascertain whether a career shift to IP law after completing a PhD in biochemistry was a realistic possibility. The panellists went above and beyond by also responding to questions personally via email after the event had ended.

This event inspired me to apply to taster days and work experience opportunities in both IP barrister and IP solicitor roles through the Summer of IP initiative. I managed to secure experience in both areas and greatly enjoyed both learning experiences. None of this would have been possible without the existence of this initiative and this event to give me the push to try out these roles. It reassured me that there is indeed a place for me as an IP solicitor or barrister and that my scientific background can be an asset in the role, despite my limited legal experience.

Our thanks to all the IP professionals and organisations who helped to inspire Priyadarshini during her Summer of IP, and in particular to Mishcon de Reya for organising and hosting the “Routes to Legal Qualification” event she refers to.

Last Updated: October 28, 2024