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My Summer of IP: personal stories #1

This report is from Sadiyah Rahmah, a BSc biochemistry student at Queen Mary University of London, who tells us about the warm Summer of IP welcome she received from the IP professions and how that’s helped her plan her future career.

Sadiyah writes:

I am currently in the summer of my penultimate year at university, and I spent a good chunk of my holiday anxiously stressing and worrying about what I will do post graduation. Having organised all my options, I suddenly remembered something called “intellectual property” from a talk I had about four years ago and had “bookmarked” as a possible career choice. I did a little research and  decided to apply to an open day at an IP firm. During the application I noticed that “IP Inclusive Summer of IP” was included under “How did you hear about this event?”… and that is how I happened to stumble across this wonderful programme.

I discovered Summer of IP a few days after it commenced, but thankfully the events were recorded so I made sure to watch and take notes on the webinars I missed. I am ever so glad I came across it for a host of reasons. First, it was through webinars such as “What is IP and why is it important?”, “Introduction to different career roles in IP” and “Why a career in IP? And why now?” that I was able to learn more about the field in detail and the different professions within. It was due to the expertise and advice that I gained through these events that I set my mind on pursuing the trainee patent attorney role. Summer of IP connected me to a huge networks of trainees, partners, attorneys, public sector workers, IP support staff, and graduate recruitment teams who were all very friendly and happy to connect on LinkedIn and answer any queries.

It was also through IP Inclusive that I was exposed to multiple firms and the opportunities they provide such as insight events, open days, workshops, webinars and work experiences. It was during the “Routes to legal qualification for IP solicitors and barristers” talk that I was introduced to IP blogs to help me develop commercial awareness and virtual experience programmes on Forage (I have learnt lots of practical skills from them!).

I would not have learnt as much as I did were it not for the Careers in Ideas team, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for their initiative to start IP Inclusive. Especially as a BAME female student who is visibly religious, it was really encouraging to hear how determined everyone was to diversify the field and how ready they were to be inclusive. I was able to experience this when I attended open days and my religious needs were accommodated. The Summer of IP has definitely boosted my confidence as regards entering a “white-male-dominated field” and I will always remember the selflessness of all those who participated as they supported us through their words of wisdom and by suggesting tools and mediums to improve our understanding of IP.

To all those considering participating in the Summer of IP or being involved with IP Inclusive, I strongly suggest you go for it! Whether you are set on working in IP or just exploring different career paths, IP Inclusive’s Careers in Ideas is a great place to start.


Our thanks to all the IP professionals and organisations who made Sadiyah feel so welcome during her Summer of IP.

Last Updated: October 28, 2024