Why a career in ideas? And why now?

Andrea Brewster OBE, Lead Executive Officer of IP Inclusive, explains why intellectual property is such a great place to work, and why now is a particularly good time to choose a career here.


Photo of Andrea Brewster OBELet me borrow you for a moment to encourage you to think about a Career in Ideas. Because right now, the intellectual property (or IP) sector is a fantastic place to be.

What’s IP?

“Intellectual property” is basically good ideas. So, it’s whizzy new technology. Clever brands. Neat designs. It’s music, artwork, photos, software. Every blog, podcast and meme has IP in it. Every website and app. Every part in your phone, every t-shirt you wear.

And the thing is, the people that come up with these good ideas want to stop other people stealing them. They don’t want cheap, second-rate counterfeits. So when you work in the IP professions, that’s what you do: protect good ideas from unwanted copying.

We’ve got lots of jobs

There are loads of different jobs here in IP. Whatever you’re interested in, whatever you’re studying, there’s a role for you.

Five good reasons…

Here are five reasons why you should think about working in IP when you leave school or university.

1.  It’s increasingly important and valuable to the economy. And it’s growing. Because these days, the people who make money are the people with the clever thoughts – and it’s the IP professionals who help turn those clever thoughts into commercial success.

2.  It’s rewarding to work in. You’re surrounded by bright, creative people. There’s always something new to deal with. And you’re helping to shape the future, protecting the innovations that’ll save the planet, create jobs and generally make life better and more exciting.

3.  I’m not going to lie: it’s financially rewarding as well – because it’s growing and it needs talented people. That means good salaries. And it means we look after our staff.

4.  It’s global. People protect their IP all over the world. That brings all sorts of opportunities. It also helps protect us against recession, because for every country where money’s tight, there’ll be another that is ready to invest in its IP.

5.  We’re on the look-out for recruits. We want a wide range of people because we know diversity helps us be more creative and innovative. And – importantly – not everyone’s heard of us. So you’re already ahead of the curve, just by being here.


Find out more

You can find out more about IP jobs, and the people who have them, elsewhere on this website.

But – don’t tell your mates just yet…! 

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