About us

Careers in Ideas

Careers in Ideas is an initiative that was created for anyone considering – or who might consider – a career in the world of intellectual property, and for those who support them in their choices: careers advisers, teachers and parents.

It was the brainchild of a group of businesses who, under the umbrella of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, the IP Federation, the UK association of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI-UK) and the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, were looking for ways to encourage ever greater diversity in the sector and to help young people make informed choices about careers in intellectual property. They formed a task force called IP Inclusive which has been driving forward a variety of activities ever since.

As well as this website, the Careers in Ideas  initiative has provided a host of resources for use in schools and for careers advisors, such as an information booklet, a poster and a presentation.


If you have a question or suggestion for the Careers in Ideas team, please address it to us at IP Inclusive by emailing [email protected]. Or follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date with the things we’re doing, the resources we provide and the opportunities available. We look forward to seeing you, or hearing from you, soon!

Our website sponsors

We are grateful to the following IP organisations who contributed towards the costs of developing the Careers in Ideas website.

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Our supporters

Careers in Ideas is also supported by:

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