Careers in Ideas hits Instagram!

We are excited to announce that Careers in Ideas now has its own official Instagram account.

You can find the new account by searching @careersinideas on Instagram. If you would like to watch us grow, then please give us a follow.

Careers in Ideas has gone from strength to strength over the past year. We have continued to provide outreach resources for schools, universities and the IP professionals who interact with them, we have added more informative materials to our website, and we have run various events including a careers clinic and an application skills masterclass.

Most notably though, last year we launched our very own Careers in Ideas Mentoring Hub. Individuals are paired with a dedicated mentor, who will support them on their journey into the IP professions.

Given the growth and success of Careers in Ideas, we decided it was time to expand our reach even further and create our own Instagram account.

The account will enable us to signpost educational and informative content surrounding different IP careers as well as the IP sector more generally. It will also give us an additional forum to promote our events and encourage people to sign up to our mentoring scheme.

Our hope is that the Instagram account will allow us to reach even more would-be recruits and support them on their journeys into the IP professions. Why not take a look now…?

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