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Jamie Muir Wood - IP Barrister and Mediator

Jamie began his career working in construction and then moved across to the law, where his scientific background led him to specialise in IP. He now works as an IP barrister and is also a qualified mediator for legal disputes. He tells us how his less conventional career path helps him in his current roles, and what he enjoys about them.

Miruna-Maria Bercariu - IP Barrister

Miruna is an IP barrister. She shares what drew her to IP law, her career path, and advice for anyone wanting to pursue a similar career.

Beth Collett - IP Barrister

Beth, an IP barrister at 8 New Square, studied history and politics at university and hadn’t considered working in IP until she reached bar school. She tells us about her journey into her current role, why she enjoys it, and why IP barristers are brilliant to work with.