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Find out what’s happening at Careers in Ideas, learn more about particular types of IP and related careers, and read guest posts from IP professionals and the people they work with. There’s plenty to choose from!

Do get in touch if you’d like to contribute a post about something IP-related. We’d love to hear from you!

Young woman with dark curly hair working in front of a screen which is obscuring the lower part of her face

Resources and Opportunities at the IPO

The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) do a great deal of fabulous outreach work to educate everyone about IP. They have developed a range of free tools, guidance and teaching ...
Photo of two women of colour holding up a sky lantern between them, ready to launch it into the night sky. City lights can be seen behind them.

Welcome to our new website!

We’re super excited to be launching our new Careers in Ideas website! Take a quick tour with us to find out about the information and resources on offer here ...
Photo of Liz Burley (Burley Law), Anupreet G and Reccy Midigo (Burley Law), standing side-by-side and smiling into the camera

Anupreet’s “Summer of IP” Taster Day Experience

"Taylor's Version"? - Read what law student Anupreet got up to at a Summer of IP taster day with Burley Law ...
A photo taken at the Secerna taster day: 11 people are seen, from slightly above, in an office setting and wearing event lanyards. They are of different genders, ethnicities and ages. All are smiling.

Secerna inspires next generation of patent attorneys!

Memories of a Summer of IP taster day with Secerna IP, from the students and IP professionals who took part ...
The opening slide of a presentation entitled "Effective social media & marketing", with the LinkedIn, Instagram and X logos on an olive green background along with the Careers in Ideas logo. Top right there is a small Zoom tile showing presenter Jessica Anderson.

My “Summer of IP”: unveiling the IP professions

Trainee solicitor Jessica Anderson explains what she enjoyed about her internship with us, working on Careers in Ideas projects, and why it's led her to consider specialising in IP law ...
Photo of Victoria Suen

Challenging (in all the best ways!)

Hear from a trainee patent attorney, working in-house at GSK, about how she found her ideal career and why she recommends it to others ...
A tile from the Careers in Ideas Instagram feed: the words "What are Patents?" appear in a dark purple circle on a lighter purple background

Presenting… patents

Find out more about these particularly powerful intellectual property rights, and how they protect real-life ideas ...
A tile from the Careers in Ideas Instagram feed: the words "What are Registered Design Rights?" appear on a pink background with purple bubble-like image elements in the top right and bottom left corners

Let’s discuss… design rights

Read about "design rights" - protection for how products look - and the different ways they can be protected as well as the people who work with them ...
A tile from the Careers in Ideas Instagram feed: the words "What are Trade Marks?" appear in white on a dark blue background, with lighter blue wave-like borders above and below

Tell me about… trade marks

Find out how trade mark rights protect some of a business's most valuable assets: its brands ...
Photo of a woman reading a book at a desk in a library; she is surrounded by other books, on the desk and on shelves behind her

A week in the life of… an in-house patent attorney

What's it like to work as a patent attorney in a large multi-national company? Susan Chiappinelli takes us through a typically varied and inspiring week in GSK's IP team ...

Last Updated: November 5, 2024